

MOZ | user research

User Research Ambassador & Facilitator

There were a number of user research initiatives happening at any given time. Weekly, I set up calls for product stakeholders to interview or conduct usability tests with customers to get real-time and relevant feedback. These conversations lead to an enriched, agile work flow and a continuous intake of qualitative data.

Moz took user research seriously. A main KPI for the research team was to get employees from every team directly involved with research; sitting in on interviews, watching cognitive walk throughs, reading feedback notes or engaging during a conference. Providing compelling insights into the value of research was important for us to save time and resources for Moz.


  • Recruit users and non-users for testing, in domestic and international demographics.

  • Write surveys for Moz product users to capture valuable quantitative data.

  • Devise survey screeners to pinpoint target groups for research initiatives.

  • Use various testing and survey software: Optimal Workshop, UserZoom, SurveyMonkey, Google Forms,, and Treehouse.

  • Allocate the user research budget to swag and services.

  • Track and plan A/B testing.

  • Advise studies and surveys done by UX designers on other product teams.


There is no substitute for someone willing to get outside their comfort zone to do what needs to be done cross-team, and Jennie fits that description.
— Matthew Brown, VP of Product Strategy at Moz

User Testing Projects

Journey mapping:

During various points of the sales funnel MOZ experienced unexplainable churn. To understand more about the user’s pain-points, I worked with the user research lead, Jackie Magwire, and UX Designer, Courtney Davis, to understand the customer's experiences from end-to-end. In order to see these journeys, users had to be recruited, interviewed and given compensation for their participation. From these Journey Mapping exercises, stakeholders and teams could align based on insights gained around customer satisfaction, pain points, the sales process, and driving forces for decision making and usage. Understanding the context wherein the user exists helps to build understanding and empathy for both individual and enterprise clients.

Data from the Journey Maps allowed us to see the customers' experience from a number of angles. With the results we informed product, design and marketing teams where various improvements could be made to meet customer expectations, elevate their experiences and ultimately avoid churn.

An example of a typical junior marketer’s customer journey for the Moz Pro product.

An example of a typical junior marketer’s customer journey for the Moz Pro product.



Sometimes products need to be rebranded. Sometimes they don't. In this project I was tasked to create a survey for internal stakeholders and determine whether a rebrand would be effective for MOZ's core product and why.


One-a-Week interviews

Each week I would recruit users of MOZ products to speak with product stake holders. These interviews with user personas would give real-time feedback and rich qualitative data for product owners to take and iterate with their teams.
